Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Session 8

The group was now ready to learn the true identity of Nerull, the so-called god that the cult worshipped.

Venturing forth this week was a half-elf sorcerer fighter, a human druid-ranger, a high-elf wizard, a wood-elf ranger, a half-orc barbarian, and an elf rogue.  The party made its way into the inner sanctum, following the smell sense of the druid while he was in tiger form from the last session.

In the hallway leading in, they find a cultist that was having second thoughts about the cult.  Course, the group, using the sorcerer and his predictably high charisma score, scared the cultist into dropping his weapons, whom then tells them about the hooded figure that calls himself Nerull, whom speaks like his voice comes from everywhere, and devours his sacrifices.

The party didn't completely trust the cultist and as a result the druid tied him up and gagged him, while sorcerer threaten to kill his friends and families if he tried to help or alert the cult.  With that the druid wild-shapes into a bear, and away they go into the inner sanctum.

The room looked like an arboretum.  There was a raised path along the edges that had a few cultists standing along it.  In the centre was a hooded figure, with a cultist kneeling before him, whom said 'I give myself to you Nerull'.  Nerull then chumped on his head and ate his brains.  The druid and the wizard both figured that they saw tentacle coming from the hood, and it was confirmed to the group they were fighting a Mind Flayer.

Offended at the abjuration the ranger shoots at it, and the battle begins, which the group stumbling across a few darkmantles that were hiding in the ceiling.  The Mind Flayer was poisoned and had taken several hits with arrows, before the duerger npc announced his intentions: to hunt Mind Flayers as vengeance for what the Mind Flayers did to their ancestors so many centuries ago.

The Mind Flayer almost ate the barbarian at the end, but it was taken out by the wizard.  As the Mind Flayer dies the temple around them changes, and the group finds themselves in a strange, stone and metal room, with this blue mist everywhere.  The cultists and their duerger friend was gone (along with the nets the druid used to restrain the cultist from the hallway).  The group then hear a voice.  It tells them "If you want to make it out of the material plane, follow my voice."

The group recognized it as the voice of the drow from session 3.

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