Thursday, February 12, 2015

Session 6

The party kept going on their journey to figure out the mystery of this cult of 'Nerull'.  Now that the party has leveled now to three, so the party is stronger and more ready to fight the monsters deeper down.

The party consists of a half-elf sorcerer-fighter, a human druid-ranger, a half-elf warlock, a high-elf wizard and a wood-elf ranger.  The party first comes across a strange metal wall that at the end of a cavern.  The warlock works out that the wall was a door that slide open, and that there was a pressure plate that controlled it.  The sorcerer tossed a rock at the plate to hold it down, and the door opened.  The party walked through to find a monodrone.  The parties reaction to it was much like their reaction in Session 4 to the darkmantles.

So, the party fought a few of these, and some duodrones.  The duodrones did the fighting while the monodrones were doing something with a reactor.  When the party dispatched them, it was discovered that monodrones were going to blow the reactor up to stop the party from venturing further.  They walked into the next room, where they find a bunch of monodrones.  The creatures ignore the party.

However, in a pile something speaks in undercommon.  After a short pause as no one in the party understood undercommon it speaks in dwarven, saying "Came for Nerull?"  The sorcerer conversed with Icard Bonecrusher, a duerger that came looking to kill Nerull, whom he claims is in fact a 'Illithid'.  Party didn't know what that was...

Now, they went into the next room with their new 'friend' (the party is very weary of this npc, whom is a few corndogs shy of a picnic), and failing a stealth check has them fighting a tridrone.  The monodrones in the room ignored the party.  The duerger advised that the party take out the monodrones, however the druid had qualms about killing creatures that aren't provoking them in anyway.  In the end the druid netted and restraint them, before they ventured into the next room.

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