Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Session 5

So the party carries onward and forward into the cave on their mission to figure out what was happening to the dead and missing workers in the mine.

The party this week had a wood elf ranger, a high-elf wizard, a half-elf sorcerer, a half-elf warlock, and a human druid.  As the party walks down the caves they come across a dead person.  The person, a human, was dead, dressed like a miner with a pickaxe.  The worker was covered in tattoos and carvings.  A religion check from the sorcerer verifies that the markings are not related to any god.  Other then that the party can't figure anything else about the body, and as the druid kept failing knowledge checks the sorcerer casted light on his nose.

The party ventures forward, where the warlock alerts a group of cultists whom were patrolling the area.  They charge the party, screaming out in the name of Nerull, god of death, and the party cut them down fast.  Looking at the bodies verify further that, despite the Nerull mentions, there was nothing about Nerull.

Course, with them down, the group venture forth into the cave further, wanting to know what was going on.

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