Friday, March 20, 2015

Session 10

So, the party, now with their flumph friend, venture forth into the alter room.  There they talk to the drow sorceress that they originally met in the manor so long ago, and is told that she was their last hope out of the ethernal plane.

The party this week had a human druid-ranger, a half-elf wizard, a high-elf wizard, a wood-elf ranger, a half-orc barbarian, a dwarf cleric, and a lightfoot-halfing rogue.  The party was accompanied by a flumph, who went into the alter room and was able to bind with the drow sorceress again.  There, the drow tells them that there was a mind flayer conspiracy, that they might be listened in on, and to follow her voice out of the temple through a hole made in the wall from a previous assault a long time ago.  The druid pressed her for more information, but the drow points out that she is really their only chance out of the ethernal plane.

So, the group moves out, and in the cave they find themselves in a cave chamber with four darkmantles, two gibbering mouths, and a roper all waiting to feed on passing creatures.  Throughout the fight, the darkmaltles were killed as they come, while the party focused on the gibbering mouthers.  The mouthers try to use their stench to blind various party members, only to blind themselves, and one of them was later poisoned by the flumph, who was riding on the druid in spider form for most of the fight.  The roper, deciding it was hungry for chainmail, roped in the cleric with its tendrils and spent most of the fight trying to eat it.

The session went into overtime, so the aftermath of this session was to be determined next week.

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